创立这个博客(部落格)有三个目的: 1. 提供老师HSC Heritage Chinese Stage 6 Course的教学资源,帮助他们完成大纲规定的教学目标 (objectives)与教学预定结果 (outcomes); 2. 提供家长HSC Heritage Chinese Stage 6 Course的相关文件与材料,让他们理解课程要求,并能参与孩子的学习过程; 3. 提供学生各种不同的文本,补充课堂上的学习,以便在HSC Heritage Chinese Stage 6 Course的高考中取得更好的成绩。然而,我们并不希望只是我们在这儿唱独角戏。我们诚挚地邀请老师、家长和学生来分享您们的心得与意见,同时也欢迎各界的批评与指教。

Sunday, September 18, 2016

A Porfessional Development course for teachers who are teaching Stage 6 Heritage Chinese course or interested in teaching it

Course title:    Effective resources – Differentiated teaching and learning materials
                                  for Chinese  Language classes
Targeting teachers
Friday, 04/11/2016
Teachers who are teaching Stage 6 Heritage Chinese course or interested in teaching it

Wei Leu, who has extensive knowledge of the syllabus, content of the course  as well as experience of teaching, marking and setting HSC papers

Professional learning objectives
·         To help teachers select, create and use effective and differentiated learning materials to engage students in their learning
·         To gain a comprehensive knowledge of the content and be able to link the teaching resources to outcomes prescribed
·         To be able to use teaching resources effectively so that outcomes can be achieved

Summary of the course
This course will focus on connecting outcomes with learning materials. It will also assess some teaching and learning resources that will help teachers teach Stage 6 Heritage Chinese course

Course Outline
This course will start with an explicit interpretation of the syllabus, especially the prescribed objectives and outcomes. Participants will be divided into groups to exchange and share ideas regarding teaching and learning resources. During this course, some effective and hands-on teaching and learning materials will be demonstrated and discussed. A Q&A session will provide an opportunity for participants to clarify any issues they may have relating to the effective resources

Professional Standards for Teachers
2.1.2 Apply knowledge of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching
         area to develop engaging teaching activities
3.4.2 Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to
         engage students in their learning
7.4.2 Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden
         knowledge and improve practice
Suite 510, level 5, 451 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000, NSW
$220 per person (CLTANSW members), $270 per person (non-members)

Account name:
Australian Institute of Business Intelligence Pty Ltd;
BSB: 062 000;
Account No.: 14919516

Tel: (+612)94351523, Mob: 0450778170 (Shinki Wang)

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